〒251-0035 神奈川県藤沢市片瀬海岸1-3-7-1F

マイナ受付 対応しています

Non-smoking outpatient
smoking cessation treatment

Smoking cessation treatment with health insurance
Since April 2006, smoking cessation treatment has been covered by insurance.
This is not a mere habit or preference, but a nicotine addiction illness, with the necessary treatment.
Treatment is available to any smoker who meets certain conditions.

Harm of second-hand smoke
Smoking also affects the people around us.
There are two types of cigarette smoke: mainstream smoke (smoke that smokers inhale directly) and second-hand smoke (purple smoke that rises from cigarettes). The content of harmful substances is much higher in second-hand smoke, which makes it more irritating.
The idea of "quitting smoking" not only for yourself but also for people around you such as your family.
It is especially important when considering the health of infants.
(Smoking is greatly involved in the sudden death of infants during sleep)
Beware of misunderstandings! !!
Passive smoking cannot be prevented with an air purifier.
● Reason 1
Smoke is sucked in only about 40 cm from the suction port for commercial use and within 20 cm for home use.
● Reason 2
I can't remove harmful substances.
Therefore, smoking cessation is the only way to prevent second-hand smoke.
How to get smoking cessation treatment
Insurance coverage conditions
5 points or more on the test to diagnose nicotine addiction
Average number of cigarettes smoked per day x 200 or more years of smoking so far
I want to start smoking cessation within a month
Written consent to receive smoking cessation treatment
Even if you do not meet these requirements, you can still receive smoking cessation treatment at your own discretion.

New treatment
Nicotine-free medications reduce nicotine deficiency symptoms such as irritability and make cigarettes less delicious .
Start once a day and gradually increase the dose during the first week of drinking.
Take it while smoking for the first week of drinking, and start smoking cessation on the 8th day.
Usually 2 weeks.
If you stop smoking naturally, quit smoking early without waiting for the 8th day.
Smoking cessation treatment schedule
・・・TDS(Tobacco Dependence Screener)
How to get smoking cessation treatment
禁煙外来では、保険適用の条件として前回の初診日から1年以上経過していることが決められています。 1度禁煙に失敗した場合、初診日から1年以上経過したら、再び保険適用で禁煙治療を受けられるようになります。それ以外は自費診療となります。